
The content of this website is the responsibility of

Weinmarkt Poysdorf

Brünner Straße 28, 2170 Poysdorf

T: +43 2552 40800


Chairman: Martin Hirtl

Online-Streitbeilegung gemäß Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) unter bereit.

Informationspflicht lt. ECG und Mediengesetz auf


photo credits


Format: Bildnummer, Copyright;

foto: steve haider, wolfgang lehner, michael reidinger



The content of this website is processed with the utmost care. However, Weinmarkt Poysdorf (hereinafter referred to as the author only) does not guarantee that the information displayed is complete, correct and, in any case, up to date. Use of information found on this site is at your own risk. The author will strive as far as possible to ensure the availability of the service without interruption. However, with all due care, outages can not be totally excluded. The author reserves the right to change or cancel an offer at any time. This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). These websites are the responsibility of their respective operators. The author, when first linking to external links, checked the content of these external sites to verify that there was no breach of rights. At this point, no violation of rights was apparent. The author has no effect on the current and future editing and content of the linked pages. The inclusion of external links does not imply that Weinmarkt appropriates the content behind the links. Permanent checking of these external links is impossible for service providers without specific alerts for potential infringement. However, if we know of any violation of the law, such external links will be erased immediately.

Bank details

IBAN AT41 3250 1000 0249 0225, BIC RLNWATWWPOY

VAT Number

ATU 67619945,  ZVR-Zahl: 881213459